Thanks for visiting and following me on this journey.
In space below I will be writing regular updates relevant to my transition into full-stack development. As this is very much a work in progress, updates to this site should be frequent and aligned to my progress through a Udemy course. Please check back regularly.
Updating the folio section with today's tutorial demonstration, I have successfully completed the CSS Properties portion of the course.
In this section of the course, I have extended my understanding of the files structure and linking of CSS, and commenced developing an understanding of the various CSS properties, their interactions with DIV tags and the associated syntax. The resulting page uses CSS to adjust properties to present a mimemic-style of image and caption.
Updating this site to include a section for a folio that demonstrates my ongoing progress, I have setup a portfolio section and included links to the initial CSS project, completed in the full-stack development course that I am completing.
As I complete more and more projects, I will include demonstrations of them in the folio section. Additionally, at a later date, I might include desondatrations of my work from both media, and teching and learning.
Today I am launching this site as a demonstration of Capstone 1 of Dr. Angela Yu's The Complete 2024 Web Development Bootcamp. Demonstating an understanding of multi-page HTML websites, and a familliarity with Microsoft VS Code and Github Pages, this site is currently based around four discrete HTML files. Content has been added to the index.html and updates.html files, with the contact.html and aboutme.html files being included as placeholders for later development.
This capstone project demonstrates learning for the first four sections of the course. Following sections, including CSS, will shortly be implimented to this site, along with portfolio demonstrations of my work.